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Atherosclerosis: The Beginning of The End


It's the hardening and narrowing of the arteries caused by the artery lining becoming furred up with deposits of plaque (atheroma). In simpler terms, it's your first stop to coronary heart disease (CHD). As your blood flow gradually becomes restricted, you'll begin to feel the one, two, three twinges in your chest -angina- CHD's initial drop of venom. The deleterious feeling of the deprivation of oxygen in your body as though a noose was wrapped  around your throat. CHD knocks on the door and walks right in; the unwelcome visitor's permanent residence. Atherosclerosis is the driving force of coronary heart disease and thus we must kill it at the root. Hence, how can we prevent the development of the 'root'?

Now, what is the 'root'?

Atheroma develops as a consequence of high cholesterol levels. High cholesterol levels can arise from many factors such as overconsumption of fatty food, inactivity and smoking. Quite evidently, to eradicate this problem all of these factors have to be considered. Yet, it is easier said than done thus medications can be offered as an alternative.

Statins are a cholesterol-lowering medicine that are available either over the counter or  through a prescription depending on their dosage. When consumed via a tablet, these drugs draw 'bad' low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol out of plaque and stabilize them. This minor transformation helps bar the chances of strokes or heart attacks - common occurrences in cardiovascular diseases.

However, there lies many other trigger factors. Catching up second is high blood pressure which silently eats and wears you away whilst simultaneously leaving you unaware of its threatening impact. Its first strike sends streams of blood down your nostrils,  a feeling of your retina becoming enveloped and the same pangs of pain in your chest. It's the infected stem feeding the root. Using similar methods but also Angiotensin-converting enzyme  (ACE) inhibitors which reduce blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels.

However, it has the downside of needing to take this medication for the rest of your life which, compared to the bodily consequences, would be highly preferred.

Just like the factors mentioned, there are several other trigger factors with a similar severity and impact however high blood pressure and cholesterol levels dominate the lot due to their riskier symptoms and their vulnerability towards the connecting disaster: atherosclerosis. Preventing them can conclude to the eradication of this disaster.


Author Christina Boby is a sixteen year old living in the UK with a love for solving or easing the concerns of others whether it be hospital volunteering or even just lending a listening ear. In her free time, she enjoys indulging in books and TV shows and, of course, working as a hospital volunteer.

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