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July STEM News

Welcome to the latest edition of STEM Spectrum Monthly News, presented to you by The STEM Spectrum's News Editors! Each month, the latest advancements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are broken down and analyzed. This months edition zooms in on various topics, ranging from insights into black holes and a potential new treatment for diabetes.

Hydrogen flight looks ready for take-off with new advances 

Ever since the commercialization of air travel, the amount of airplanes flying has grown exponentially and it is no secret that it is a pinnacle of how we travel and a necessity for many. Unfortunately, these same machines contribute significantly to the global climate crisis. In 2022 the aviation industry contributed 800 Megatonnes of CO2 emissions!

However, with groundbreaking research being done at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden, there exists a new alternative that has the potential to replace our current aviation systems with something that is both climate friendly and effective to our transportation needs: Hydrogen powered Aircrafts. 

Just like current day airplanes which burn jet fuel to create energy to propel airplanes, hydrogen powered planes simply burn hydrogen instead- providing 2.5 times more energy than a standard jet fuel. That said, internally, hydrogen needs to be kept at around 250 degrees celsius and this extreme coldness can be used to cool down the engines allowing them to increase the fuel efficiency of air planes as they can be used to cool the engines that get extremely hot during use. This transfer of heat is what requires heat exchangers which is what is currently being developed by researchers at Chalmers that will be suitable for hydrogen aircrafts.

You may have heard about hydrogen powered automobiles which are also a growing technology and through groundbreaking research it has been transferred to the world of aviation. By burning hydrogen fuel it ensures that no CO2 bi-product is produced allowing for a greener way to soar the skies. 

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology believe that by 2045 all air travel within a 1200 kilometer radius can be powered via hydrogen. Additionally, through a device known as a heat exchanger (which is in the midst of development), the range will only increase. It is believed that the commercialization of hydrogen flights can come as early as 2028 due to a series of successful tests that were conducted in wind tunnels to analyze the effectiveness of the hydrogen powered engines. 

Now with any research there are to be challenges that hinder the progression of development and it is no different here. Hydrogen technology is still something new; requiring a lot of research to ensure stability and it is even more important for aircrafts considering how many lives are at stake. Researchers believe more investments need to be made for thorough research to be conducted. The hardest of these challenges is the production and transportation of hydrogen itself. Hydrogen requires a very low temperature and high pressure environment to be sustained and being able to transport and store that is very costly compared to standard kerosene jet fuel. This also means that the amount of space needed for hydrogen is vastly greater and all of this amounts to hydrogen being far more expensive than standard jet fuel which is why many are still skeptical of its replacement. 

However, with millions of tones of CO2 being emitted into our previous atmosphere every single day, can we really put a price on our environment? Hydrogen fuel technology is one that is developing at an exponential rate and we can only hope it acts as the catalyst to transforming our world into a more sustainable environment powered by clean fuel, clean energy for a cleaner society.

Article 2: Supermassive black hole appears to grow like a baby star 

Ever since our discovery of black holes in 1971 they continue to surprise and force us rethink our knowledge and what we truly know about these celestial bodies. Supermassive blackholes have been one topic of concern amongst astronomers for decades especially when it comes to how they formed into such large bodies. A team of researchers at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden have recently discovered a rotating magnetic wind that is believed to be assisting supermassive black holes to grow. It also revealed that the growth of these blackholes is very similar to that of stars. 

Galaxies such as our own Milky Way contain a supermassive black hole at their center. The mass of these black holes is equal to that of billions of stars, and that raises the question- how did they become so large? A team of researchers were analyzing the galaxy ESO320 - G030, which is an extremely active galaxy that is forming stars ten times faster than our own. 

The researchers used a special telescope, the ALMA, which is capable of tracking cosmic rays, and were able to look closely at the central black hole. They used the telescope to track light that was from various materials, dust, and glasses near the black hole. Applying the doppler effect, they traced movements of these materials and discovered a pattern which led them to believe the existence of a magnetized rotating wind. 

Most winds in galaxies push materials away from black holes, but this rotating wind does the complete opposite and pushes material into the black hole, feeding the black hole and allowing it to grow. This wind is formed through dense gasses held together by magnetic fields and when materials come across the wind, they are pushed by it in a spiral path leading into the black hole. Think about it like a water drain in a circular tub, the water moves across in a spiral way carrying materials down the drain and it is the same thing here only astronomically larger. 

Researchers were able to connect this discovery into something they were very familiar with and that is the formation of stars. Stars form by having similar winds carry swirls of gas and dust that build in a dense environment. It has been rigorously researched and known that winds are an integral part of the formation of stars and this discovery shows a striking similarity between that and the growth of black holes. 

There are still many unanswered questions about the growth of black holes and how they got there in the first place. However, with this discovery it has made researchers look into different galaxies and see if they can find a pattern, one that can help them understand the truth about the growth of the universe's largest bodies. They also ponder the question of what happens when a supermassive black hole grows and grows… 

What's next? 

Potential New Treatment for Diabetes

Diabetes is an illness that affects a vast amount of people and hinders the quality of life for many. Over 422 million suffer from this illness and it has been around for thousands of years and for a lot of that time we have not discovered a set cure for the illness but that could change. Researchers at Mount Sinai Health system in New York City and Los Angeles have researched a new therapeutic treatment that regenerates human insulin producing beta cells which provides a new avenue of treatment for diabetes.

Their study began in 2015 when they were conducting animal transplant and drug treatment models using beta cells from donors. Beta cells are the cells that produce insulin and control the amount of sugar that is within our blood. The researchers first tested on mice that had diabetes, for the drug treatment they used a natural product known as harmine and a diabetes therapy drug known as GLP1. Alongside this, they transplanted human beta cells into the mice and saw that the diabetes was rapidly reversing and the amount of beta cells increased by 7 times within 3 months. 

This was groundbreaking because it was the first time a treatment trial proved that the amount of beta cells could increase by astronomical amounts. After such success and further trials they were ready to move on to human trials in hopes of solving the global pandemic. 

Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes occurs due to a reduction in the amount of beta cells and insulin produced which thereby increases the blood sugar in individuals. None of the current treatment options are able to increase the amount of human beta cells in the body which is why it has been impossible to reverse diabetes, but that is changing. Most people with diabetes still have some beta cells and so the researchers believe there's a way to restore and increase those numbers. 

The team were able to show that a specific enzyme in the cells known as DRYK1A can allow for the increased production of beta cells in specific conditions, and although many people were able to replicate this with animals, no one was able to show it could work with humans. However Dr. Stanley who was heading this research aligned with his team sought to achieve this by using an advanced laser known as iDISCO+. 

Using this laser they believe they would be able to transplant beta cells into humans to allow for their proliferation. However, before human trials they still need to do a lot of testing, and research to ensure safety and they expect the first trials to begin next year. Currently, they are sharing their research with other teams and researchers to allow for cross-collaboration that can allow for this breakthrough to become a medical reality - benefiting hundreds of millions of people around the world and solving a global crisis that has tainted human health for decades. 

Advancements in Quantum Computing 

The fast-developing science of quantum computing holds the potential to transform how we handle information completely. Quantum computers use quantum bits, or qubits, which can simultaneously represent 0 and 1, in contrast to classical computers, which use bits to represent data as 0s or 1s. This is possible due to the concept of quantum mechanics. Because of this special property, quantum computers can execute intricate computations at previously unheard-of rates, possibly solving issues beyond the capabilities of even the most potent classical supercomputers. But what is it? And why should we care about it?

For starters, quantum mechanics studies the behavior of particles at the tiniest scales and provides the foundation for quantum computing. Quantum computing is based on two fundamental ideas of quantum mechanics: superposition and entanglement.

Superposition is the ability of particles to exist in more than one state once in the quantum world. Essentially, a qubit can be both 0 and 1 simultaeously, greatly enhancing the computational capability of quantum computers by processing a large number of possibilities concurrently. Entanglement is another important idea. It describes the situation in which two or more particles get entangled to the point that irrespective of their distance from one another, the state of one particle directly affects the state of the other. Quantum computing is further enhanced by entangled qubits, which can execute coordinated calculations tenfold quicker than classical bits.

A few key parts are needed for quantum computers to function to do calculations. It is possible to implement the basic building blocks, qubits, utilizing atoms, ions, photons, and superconducting circuits, among other physical systems. Qubits can exist simultaneously in many states thanks to superposition. Like conventional logic gates, quantum gates operate on qubits by utilizing entanglement and superposition to perform complex state changes. Quantum circuits, which are groups of these gates, use entanglements and superpositions to process qubits to solve issues. Because qubits are so sensitive to their surroundings, maintaining their stability is a significant task. Information integrity is preserved by employing quantum error correction techniques to stop quantum decoherence or the loss of quantum characteristics as a result of outside interference.

Because quantum computing can solve issues that classical computers cannot, it has the potential to revolutionize several industries. Applications such as drug development and material research, where quantum simulations might speed up discovery of new materials and pharmaceuticals; cryptography, where quantum computers may be able to crack current encryption techniques and create new protocols that are resistant to quantum errors, seem promising. Complex systems including supply chains, financial portfolios, and traffic management can be optimized more successfully by quantum algorithms than by classical techniques. Additionally, machine learning can gain from quantum computing by analyzing massive datasets and identifying patterns more rapidly and precisely.

Although quantum computing has great potential, it is still in its early stages and faces several obstacles. Ensuring long-term qubit coherence is a major technical challenge, and creating effective quantum error correction methods is essential to creating dependable quantum computers. The goal of building massively multi-qubit quantum computers that can perform significant calculations is still being pursued. Because these computers must withstand extremely low temperatures and require specialized equipment, their upkeep and manufacture are costly and time-consuming. Ongoing research and development, however, is yielding encouraging results; quantum technologies are being advanced by many startups as well as well-known corporations like Google, Microsoft, and IBM.

A paradigm shift in computation is represented by quantum computing, which holds the promise of solving issues that were previously thought to be insurmountable. Even though there are still a lot of obstacles to overcome, the advancements made thus far suggest that quantum computing will be a significant factor in determining how science and technology develop in the future. We may anticipate that as research progresses, quantum computing will open up new avenues and spur creativity in a range of sectors, bringing in a new era of computational possibilities.

Article 5: Gen X and Human Evolution

Born between 1965 and 1980, Generation X has lived through tremendous changes in the political, social, and technological spheres. Their opinions on a range of topics, including the idea of evolution, have evolved themselves as they have grown older. 

Generation X was first exposed to evolution in their early years; this notion is mostly connected to Charles Darwin's 19th-century investigations. Even while evolution was widely acknowledged in scientific circles, certain religious organizations disagreed with it. In the United States, the arguments between creationism and evolution gained significant traction during the 1980s and 1990s. The media, educational institutions, and family values intensified these arguments- resulting in a divisive atmosphere that influenced Gen X's first views on evolution.

Many Gen Xers experienced evolution as a required component of their science courses at school. It was put up as a solid scientific hypothesis, buttressed by genetic studies and fossil evidence. However, there were differing opinions on the larger social discussion around evolution vs creationism. Some people, particularly those with religious roots, were skeptical of evolution thinking it went against their values. The foundation for a variety of mindsets within the cohort was created by this first exposure.

As members of Generation X reached adulthood, a number of significant influences started to change their perspectives. Education-related innovations were important. A large number of Gen Xers went on to pursue higher education, where they participated in more in-depth conversations regarding evolutionary theory. Advanced research in genetics and biology contributed to their comprehension and acceptance of evolution as the main tenet of contemporary science. Further influencing their opinions were cultural movements toward more scientific understanding and diversity acceptance. Gen Xers came to accept evolution theory more and more as the value of science in solving world problems became clear.

These changing perspectives are clarified by recent studies, including a longitudinal study that was published in the journal Public Understanding of Science. Over a 33-year period, the study monitored over 5,000 participants who were born between 1971 and 1974. It turned shown that many Gen Xers were dubious about evolution in middle and high school, with 33% not taking a position and 44% not knowing if "human beings as we know them developed from earlier species of animals."

As members of Generation X reached adulthood, 28% of them agreed that evolution was unquestionably true, while 27% disagreed. By the time they were in their early to late 30s, rejection had dropped to 23% and acceptance had slightly climbed to 30%. Their life has stabilized, as evidenced by this change in their employment and community involvement. College-level science courses, advanced degrees and scientific literacy were substantially correlated with increased acceptance of evolution whilst fundamentalist religious beliefs were linked to its rejection. Education emerged as a crucial factor influencing these sentiments.

Since evolution is still a fundamental idea in biological and scientific literacy, it is imperative to comprehend these shifting perspectives. The transition of Generation X from skepticism to acceptance highlights the ongoing significance of science education and literacy, reflecting larger societal shifts in scientific understanding.

Article 6: Selective Schools are Less Advantagous than People Assume

British Journal of Educational Studies calls into question the idea that academically selective institutions are necessary for high-achieving kids to reach their full potential. Over 11 years, the recently published study, directed by Melissa Tham, Shuyan Huo, and Andrew Wade, tracked the educational and career outcomes of over 3,000 children from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY).

Many people believe that selective schools—which only accept the best applicants based on entrance exams—are essential for academic achievement. They are thought to offer an atmosphere that can support students from different backgrounds in achieving their highest academic and professional objectives. Some contend that these schools provide low-income children with an opportunity to receive a top-notch education without having to pay the exorbitant costs associated with attending private schools. Selective schools, on the other hand, are perceived to disproportionately benefit pupils from wealthy families who can afford extra tutoring.

While selective school students performed better academically during their school years, the study discovered that at the ages of 19 and 25, there was little difference between their counterparts from non-selective schools in terms of educational and career prospects. By the age of 19, 81% of students from selective schools had gotten employment or a spot in college, compared to 77.6% from non-selective schools. However, when important variables like geography, gender, and socioeconomic background were taken into consideration, this discrepancy disappeared.

According to the study, students from selective and non-selective schools did not significantly differ in terms of career performance or academic accomplishments at age 25. The sole discernible variation was a marginal rise in overall life contentment among individuals who attended prestigious educational institutions. The fact that this rise only translated into 0.19 points on the satisfaction scale raises the possibility that there aren't many advantages to selective education.

Researchers contest the idea that selective schools adhere to inclusive and equitable education tenets and contend that they may not provide appreciable advantages over non-selective ones. In fact, to determine the true benefits of selective education, they advise conducting further study. If the benefits are not significant, they suggest reducing selectivity.

The study demonstrates that dedicated and intelligent students can succeed in a variety of learning environments. Success is more directly correlated with personal qualities, encouraging surroundings, and accessible possibilities than it is with the school's level of selection. This study emphasizes the significance of concentrating on developing equity and encouraging learning environments for all students- calling for a reevaluation of the “benefits” of selective education.


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